Webcast of Council meetings

Council encourages the community to participate in City decision making. Members of the public can watch the proceedings of Council Meetings live as well as view past meetings.

Watch democracy in action with our live webcast of Council and Committee meetings.

  • View the Inaugural Council Meeting being held Tuesday 8 October 2024 on the day of the meeting by clicking the play button below:


Frequently Asked Questions

What meetings will be Webcast online?

  • Ordinary Council
  • Extraordinary Council and Committee meetings
  • Committee Meetings (Public Voice Committee, Public Briefing Committee and Development Applications Committee)
  • Confidential sessions of Council meetings will not be broadcast.

At the commencement of each meeting, the Chairperson will advise that the meeting is livestreamed and is accessible on the 91妻友's website.

91妻友 accepts no liability for any defamatory remarks that are made during the course of a meeting.

Webcast Archives

Webcasts of previous Council meetings are available online and can be found by selecting the meeting type and meeting date you would like to watch and click on the Webcast recordings heading.

Where older webcasts are not provided online, members of the public can request a copy by completing a Customer Request Form.

Compatibility requirements

  • An internet connection with an ADSL1 or greater bandwidth speeds
  • PC computers running Windows XP (or later) and using the latest web browser version of Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer
  • Apple Macintosh computers running OSX 10.5 (or later) and using the latest web browser version of Safari, Firefox or Chrome
  • The latest version of Adobe Flash Player installed - the software can be found at https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/.

Why has my screen gone blank? If the webcast stream goes blank during a meeting, this will likely indicate the Council has entered into a confidential session.

The webcast has poor resolution
The quality of the webcast will depend on your PC's memory and internet connection bandwidth.

Mobile phones/tablets/iPads
The live webcast (or archived meeting) can be viewed on mobile devices running iOS or Android operating systems.

The video quality of the webcast will depend greatly on the speed/strength of your Wi-Fi or mobile 3G/4G connection. It is noted that newer Samsung devices might have issues playing the Webcast.

Where can I give feedback on the webcast?
Council will monitor webcasts and make improvements as required to enhance the service. If you would like to provide some feedback, please complete the form at Compliments, Complaints and Feedback.