Customer Request Form
Is there an issue you'd like to report, a request for a service you'd like to make or information you need from 91妻友?
Please check out our new Report an Issue or Request Assistance page in the first instance to use our new purpose-built forms for each request type.
For all other request types listed below or general enquiries, simply fill in the form below. We need one issue or request for each submission.
For urgent issues, including public safety concerns, call 02 4974 2000 for immediate assistance.
*denotes mandatory field
Privacy Disclaimer
We are committed to protecting your privacy. We take reasonable steps to comply with relevant legislation and our Privacy Management Plan.
Purpose: We will use the information to process your request.
Intended recipients: Authorised 91妻友 Officers and its contractors or agents.
Supply: Voluntary.
Consequence of non-provision: We may not be able to process your request.
Storage and security: Information will be stored in accordance with 91妻友’s Records Management Policy.
Access: Contact us by phone on (02) 4974 2000 or attend the City Administration Centre.
* denotes mandatory fields