Your Rates Explained

Did you know:

  • About 50% of our income is made up of rates and the other 50% comes from grants, user fees and charges, development contributions and interest on investments.
  • The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal sets the maximum amount NSW Councils can increase their total rates by. For 91妻友 (CN) this was 5.2% for 2024/25. CN has applied this increase in making its annual budget.
  • Every three years the Valuer General is required to revalue all land within the Newcastle Local Government Area. The most recent revaluation took place during 2022/23. These land values have been used to calculate the 2024/25 rates. The average increase in land values over the three-year period for residential properties is 45% and 61% for business properties.
New look rates notice
Residential rates
Business rates
Fees and charges register
Your rates at work