Reports of fraud, corruption and serious wrongdoing

At 91妻友 (CN), we are committed to preventing, detecting and investigating allegations of fraud, corruption and serious wrongdoing.

Fraud and Corruption

We promote an organisational culture that has zero tolerance for any act of fraud or corruption. Any corrupt or fraudulent conduct is reported to the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) or NSW Ombudsman, where appropriate.

We have a Fraud and Corruption Control Plan that is designed to ensure that we maintain best practice levels of service to local government and the community. It is designed to protect public money and property, and our integrity, security and reputation.

Public Interest Disclosures

The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 provides a framework for public officials, such as Councillors, CN Staff, CN Volunteers or contractors providing services on behalf of CN, to report serious wrongdoing.

CN has a Public Interest Disclosure Policy which sets out the following:

  • How to make a report of serious wrongdoing;
  • Protections and support for those who make a report; and
  • How CN will deal with reports of serious wrongdoing.

Reporting Fraud, Corruption and Serious Wrongdoing

If you have concerns regarding fraud or corrupt conduct at Council, you may make a confidential report:

  • By email:
  • In writing:
    Governance Manager
    PO Box 489, Newcastle NSW 2300
  • In person:
    12 Stewart Avenue, Newcastle West
    (asked to speak to Governance Manager)
  • By phone:
    Fraud hotline 4974 1440

Alternatively, you may wish to raise any concerns about wrongdoing with an independent agency such as:

Serious wrongdoing, including fraud and corruption, is not tolerated and these matters are investigated with the utmost integrity and importance.